An app that provides a user-friendly interface for administrators to manage employee-related data. Made using React & Atlassian Design Components.
An Quiz app built for home assignment. Made using ReactJS, Redux Toolkit & Tailwindcss.
A food order app like swiggy. Made using ReactJS, Redux Toolkit, TypeScript & Tailwind CSS.
NeuKart is an e-commerce store for electronic gadgets mobiles & laptops. Made using ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS. It uses an API to get info about electronic items and is also mobile responsive.
A website which helps the user how much profit or loss he/she is making in percentage & absolute value.
An app which checks whether your birthday is a palindrome or not and also finds the nearest palindrome date.
A website which helps you to learn about triangles.
A website which can help you to check whether your birthday is lucky or not.
An app which helps the user by telling how can he/she return the change to the customer with minimum number of notes.
A food app that will help you find some good recommendations for all the genre. Made using ReactJS.
Learn some fruit names with emojis. Checkout this library of fruit emojis with meaning. Made using ReactJS.
An app to translate modern day English to Shakespearean English.
Are you a fan of minions? Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language.
A CLI app built with nodeJS. It is about popular abbreviations for institutes/organizations.
A CLI app built with nodeJS. This is a app for how well you know me
A dice game where user clicks on a dice images and it updates randomly. The player who gets greater number on dice is the winner.